Objective investing
Fair fees
Simplified process
Why Choose Midwest?
- Once Midwest clearly understands your goals and guidelines, it will build and manage your account in an unbiased, cost efficient, and easy-to-understand manner. Most portfolios are highly diversified and when appropriate tax efficient. They can also be tailored to owner-beneficiary circumstances for trusts and estates.
- Midwest can often reduce your aggregate portfolio management fees by 50% or more, and the results are enormous. For example, the difference on an efficiently managed $10,000,000 low-cost vs. high cost portfolio can be $1,300,000 to $13,200,000 over ten to forty years.
- Only a handful of firms can/will offer net performance capabilities like Midwest. For example, with our new structure institutional quality services for accounts with just a minimum $200,000 in investable assets can be provided.
- The “expense factor” is generally regarded as the best predictor of future results, and this is increasingly important with current below-average forecasted stock and bond returns.
Other Advantages
- Each portfolio is built solely for the best interest of the client, and the management fee is our sole source of revenue.
- Prompt access to senior management with more than forty years investment experience.
- Easy-to-understand investment process and customized reports, which are fully transparent.
- Our specialty is finding and implementing meaningful, ongoing opportunities, then minimize the negative impact of persistent subjectivity, egregious annual fees, and regulations favoring the largest firms.
- Small managers tend to do at least as well as larger ones.
- Access to outstanding internal and external research.
- Independently verified internal and external historical performance.
- All representatives are financial fiduciaries, and neither the firm nor any employee has ever received a complaint or had a regulatory issue.
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Past performance does not guarantee future success. All investments are subject to risks, including the possible loss of principal. You should consider Midwest based on the suitability of its investment strategies in relation to your objectives and risk tolerance. By using this website, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted Midwest’s Terms of Use and Privacy Statement.