Objective investing

Fair fees

Simplified process


Active Management Philosophy

Midwest Asset Management believes that meaningful, consistent, and sustainable net excess returns relative to investable index funds can be achieved with quantitative research, and by minimizing the three major obstacles to success: persistent subjectivity; egregious annual fees; and the current status of America’s financial system.

Midwest Asset Management believes that meaningful, consistent, and sustainable net excess returns relative to investable index funds can be achieved with creditable quantitative research, and by minimizing the three major obstacles to success: persistent subjectivity; egregious annual fees; and the current status of America’s financial system.

Since 1987, our equity and fixed strategies were built and refined based on experiences with actual portfolios, real-time analyses, and back-testing research.  Below are two models built solely for the benefit of clients.  They constitute the foundation of our active investment process.

  • QuantVal® – A quantitative value equity strategy designed to systematically capitalize on cross-sectional factors that exhibit a statistically significant advantage.
  • QuantCredit® – A quantitative credit analysis strategy designed to systematically outperform corporate bond indices without engaging in interest rate anticipation.

Over time, we became confident that the following investment objectives are realistic:

Active Return / Risk Goals

  • QuantVal U.S. Equity Objectives – Each version (large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap) is built to earn a 2.5% gross average annual excess return over the Russell 1000®, Midcap®, and 2000® Value Indices without increasing risk.
    The investment time horizon for any one individual QuantVal U.S. Equity strategy is five to ten years. When all versions are simultaneously held as a combined “basket,” the time horizon is reduced to five years.
  • QuantCredit U.S. Fixed Objectives – The U.S. Investment Grade Corporate version is built to earn a 0.5% gross average annual excess return over the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate or Intermediate Corporate Bond Index without increasing risk.
    The investment horizon is five years.

Active Performance

This webpage is being rebuilt.  In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to receive the following items please contact james.byrd@quantmanagement.com.


  • Institutional equity and fixed return / risk performance characteristics
  • GIPS® compliant independent firm-wide verification report

To arrange a conference call or schedule a presentation:

Midwest Asset Management, Inc.
3933 Marco Polo Street
Verona, WI  53593  USA

All content copyright © 2025 Midwest Asset Management, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Past performance does not guarantee future success.  All investments are subject to risks, including the possible loss of principal.  You should consider Midwest based on the suitability of its investment strategies in relation to your objectives and risk tolerance.  By using this website, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted Midwest’s Terms of Use and Privacy Statement.